! LOOP import machine import esp32 import time while True: print(machine.freq()) ##動作周波数 print(esp32.raw_temperature()) ##温度 time.sleep(1) ! TouchPAD from machine import TouchPad, Pin import esp32 import time ## t = TouchPad(Pin(0)) ## t = TouchPad(Pin(2)) ## t = TouchPad(Pin(12)) ## t = TouchPad(Pin(15)) t = TouchPad(Pin(33)) while True: print(t.read()) # タッチすると小さい数値を返す time.sleep(1) ! Display from display import Pixel, PixelPower PixelPower(True) View = Pixel() # RGB = (10, 10, 10) # RGB = (1, 1, 1) # RGB = ( 10, 0, 10 ) RGB = (0, 0, 0) View.LoadXY(1, 1, RGB) View.LoadPos(23, RGB) View.Show() !GPIO from machine import Pin p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) # GPIO 0 の出力ピンを作成 p0.on() # ピンを "on" (high) レベルに設定 p0.off() # ピンを "off" (low) レベルに設定 p0.value(1) # ピンを on/high に設定 p2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN) # GPIO 2 の入力ピンを作成 print(p2.value()) # 値 0 または 1 を取得 p4 = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # 内部プルアップ抵抗を有効化 p5 = Pin(5, Pin.OUT, value=1) # 作成時にピンを high に設定 print("TEST end") ! Analog READ from microbit import * # p0 = pin0.read_analog() while True : p0 = pin0.read_analog() if p0 < 60 : display.show(Image.HAPPY) pin1.write_digital(0) elif (60 < p0) and ( 90 > p0 ): display.show( Image.ASLEEP) elif (60 < p0) and (100 > p0) : display.show(Image.ANGRY) else : display.show(Image.SAD) pin1.write_digital(1) # print ( p0 ) ! botton info # ここにコードを書いてね :-) from microbit import * from machine import Pin p35 = Pin(35,Pin.IN) p27 = Pin(27,Pin.IN) while True : sleep(500) print ( button_a.is_pressed() ) print ( button_b.is_pressed() ) sleep(500) print (p35.value()) print (p27.value())